
We look for social innovators who provide solutions on COVID-19 within our Latin American network.


We share the innovators’ work to address this crisis, call to action and generate replication throughout the region.


We bring innovators together with partners and investors so they can scale up their impact


We connect innovators to build the post-COVID world together and create synergies.

Creating the post-COVID World. I want to get involved!

You also can be part of this regional challenge that seeks to support social innovators who are already creating solutions.

Contributing your skills and experience to directly support our social innovators.

Financing this great initiative to boost innovators growth.

Financing the social innovators’ projects.

Online Summit

On our Changemakers United Online Summit on September 3rd we will present the 20 Ashoka social innovators who work addressing the COVID-19 crisis.

The meeting will be open, free and we will have experts on social innovation ecosystems in Latin America and the World.

Also, we will soon reveal the identity of a special guest!




The pandemic that broke out without any warning mobilized social innovators from all over the world including Latin America. They faced the challenge imposed by the context and quickly reinvented themselves and their work to the new needs.